The Brown Bengal Cat & Kitten

The traditional Brown Bengal is one of our most requested Bengal coat colors. And we totally understand why. Who would not want their very own leopard and tiger?!

Where does one start with Brown? Well, for starters there is Warm & Orange Brown, Cool & Dark Brown, Warm Charcoal Brown, & Dark (coolest) Charcoal Brown. Some even speculate there being a Silver Brown, but since there is no genetic testing for a true Silver Brown, we are currently omit.

In truth, all Bengals can produce Brown. But producing brown and having a beautiful quality of Brown are two different things. This is where patterns and coat types are important. Does one focus on Spots? Donuts? Arrowheads? Paw-Prints? Pancakes? (Yes, pancakes) What about making sure the coat of the Bengal is hypoallergenic? (Future Blog Post)

For us, all of these were huge factors for our program. Our Bengals do not just become a household pet. They become an actual member of the family. This member though must also have a certain feature… to look exotic and to feature it’s common ancestor. The Asian Leopard.

About the Traditional Brown Bengal Cat

Bengals were originally created in 1963 and displayed beautiful variations of brown with rosette patterns. The Brown Bengal was the first color ever produced in the Bengal Cat world. It is the color that most Bengals are known for and we had to be honest… It is a personal favorite of ours as well.

They almost look as if they belong on an entirely different continent, when in fact they belong in someplace far better- with their owners that bond with them from now and for their eternity.

Ready to Adopt A Brown Bengal?